Content Marketing Advice From Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia and author of a number of books, including Crush It! and The Thank You Economy, has simple, yet profound content marketing advice for marketers and business owners.
If you make content on the internet like you're the TV show, and not the commercials in between the TV show, you will get disproportionate return on your investment.
- Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk Story
From humble beginnings as an immigrant from Belarus, Gary Vaynerchuk has gone from living in a studio-apartment in Queens, New York, with eight other family members, to living the American Dream as a multimillionaire entrepreneur.
Gary Vaynerchuk kicks ass in business, while giving hugs to anyone in need. He's out to provde that people can be GOOD, and also WICKED successful. In that sense, Vaynerchuk is the anti-Steve Jobs in terms of how he gets the most out of people who work for him.
@GaryVee as many people know him through his Twitter handle, knows a thing or two about content marketing. After college Gary took over his father's discount liquor store, launched a daily webcast called Wine Library TV, and grew sales from $3 million to $60 million in a few short years. Gary spotted an oportunity in the market, created unique content around his product, and pushed that content out through social media and other digital channels.
Millions of people follow Gary's content marketing advice, so when he talks, they listen, because he knows what works. So when he tells marketers to create content like TV shows, and not the commercials in between those shows, we should all take note.
Here is a quick three minute video where Gary provides his content marketing advice in a way that only Gary can.
Gary Vaynerchuk Believes In Storytelling Content Marketing
When Gary says, “create the TV show and not the commercial” he’s sharing with all of us his belief in the power of storytelling. Great TV shows, like great marketing content:
- Captures the audience’s attention through powerful stories,
- Emotionally resonates with the audience which help people to remember the show and it’s main messages,
- Organically spawns retelling and viral sharing.
How many people have recited lines from their favorite TV show or talked with a co-worker the day after watching a new episode of your favorite TV show?
The key to effective storytelling content marketing is to be the TV show, sharing remarkable stories about your brand, products, and services with your audience.
Gary Vee’s Content Marketing Advice On Why Storytelling Matters
For Gary, storytelling matters because stories are powerful and everlasting. Magical brand stories can help turn a commodity into a business.
Stories create brand equity. It’s why we buy name-brand products over store brand. It’s why we listen to certain rockstars and rappers. Stories spark our senses, and stories turn marketing messages into memories.
A great Gary Vee storytelling quote is:
“No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story.” - Gary Vaynerchuk
For us marketers it’s pretty simple, we just need to follow Gary Vee’s content marketing advice and do our job.
Tell stories. Impact moments. Drive sales.
For marketers interested in using a storytelling marketing platform to help bring magical digital experiences to life for your audience, please contact us to schedule a STORYSOFT demo.
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