2 Personalized Marketing Examples to Help Your Brand Stand Out
If your brand is not providing me with the experience I want, the content I need, or the information I'm looking, at the moment I want it, you lose me. Personalized marketing is how brands will succeed in the future of marketing. In this article, we'll take a look at three personalized marketing examples to help you get your wheels spinning a bit.
First, let's dig into WHY your brand needs to develop a personalized marketing strategy.
Interruption Marketing Is Ignored
How much time do you spend sifting through content to find the relevant information you're looking for?
Scan the blog article.
Skip through a video.
Swipe past social posts.
We ignore 99% of the content and ads that are served up to us on a daily basis. Why? Because we aren't interested in them at the moment they are put in front of us.
Brands spend so much time, money, and energy trying to find ways to get their content and ads in front of their audience. Don't stop at finding the right channels where your customers spend their time. Go deeper.
Wouldn't it be easier if only the content YOU need was available when YOU need it?
The future of marketing is all about personalization.
Right person. Right time. Right message. Right format. Right channel.
The tools are available right now to make this a reality for your audience.
Top brands are combining data + CRM + stories to deliver immersive personalized experiences to their customers at the very moment those customers are open to receiving their messages.
Personalized Marketing Example: Personalized Retail
Meg walks into your store and scans a QR code to enter a contest. She provides her email.
Megs data is securely transferred in real time back to the brand's CRM.
From the QR code scan & email, the brand knows what store Meg's in, who Meg is, & what her interests are.
The CRM triggers an outbound text message to Meg.
Meg instantly receives the text. She clicks a STORYSOFT digital story link in the text.
Data variables coded within the link tell the STORYSOFT digital storytelling platform to instantly pull in content personalized to Meg.
Meg accesses a digital story about a customer just like her who recently purchased new red shoes. She absolutely loved them & received a ton of compliments at a recent dinner party that made her feel special.
Meg loves red shoes as well, & would love to experience those same special feelings.
Meg clicks a call-to-action button to share the story with a friend, & Meg receives a coupon for doing so.
Meg buys the red shoes on the spot.

Meg's ecstatic because she got a great deal on beautiful shoes and looks forward to all of the compliments.
Personalized digital stories delivered at the right time, to the right person, and through the right channel, pay off.
For now, she's off to lunch. She plans to tell all of her friends about what a great experience she had during her latest shopping trip.
Example 2: Personalized Lead Capture at B2B Events
Mary Marketer is really looking forward to this years MarTech event. She met so many great people last year, learned a ton, and found a few new marketing products that she spent the year experimenting with.
Now that she's an event veteran, this year should be even better.
Mary wakes up early on Monday morning, heads to the airport to catch a flight to her event.
After a long trip, she arrives at her hotel, does some quick rounds, and lands at event registration. Once registered, Mary starts mingling with other event attendees. They talk about last year's event, and anticipate all of the great information that will be shared this year.
Day one is spent attending a few general sessions, and participating in workshops. After a delicious dinner, and a few drinks with folks she met, it's time for bed.
Day two is jam-packed and she wants to get an early start.
Mary hops out of bed on day two, showers, and grabs breakfast. She's really looking forward to walking the floor today because she wants to visit company booths and learn about all of the new marketing technology products that she might be able to use for her business.
After walking the floor for an hour or so, she comes across your booth. There's a crowd, which intrigues her. Why are so many people at this booth?
She crosses that magical line from walkway into your booth space and she's immediately greeted by one of your associates.
iPad in hand, Mary is asked if she'd like to play a game. She says yes, and takes the iPad. Mary fiercely competes, and as she does, she sees her name appear on the leaderboard in the booth.
After each stage, she's prompted to answer a few questions about herself, her company, and their current marketing challenges.
The game is super engaging, and at the end, Mary learns that's she's scored in the top 5. That earns her a delicious gluten free chocolate chip cookie.
Before handing the iPad back to the associate, Mary is prompted with an opt-in to receive a one-time text message with a link to a customer story from your company. Mary agrees.
She instantly receives a text to her phone with a link to the digital story. Mary clicks, and is greeted with a message: Mary, thanks for stopping by our booth. You rocked that game! Swipe forward to learn more about how Susie used Product X to engage customers, build emotional connections, and ultimately increase revenue for her company.
Mary swipes through the product story and to her amazement, Susie works in a similar organization, and shares similar challenges. Mary can see herself in Susie.
As the story continues, Mary sees how Susie solved her challenge by using your product. Mary, having that same challenge, believes she should also try your product. At the end of the story, Mary is prompted with a call-to-action to sign up for a product demo.
Pumped that by attending this event, and finding your booth, she may have solved her company's biggest marketing challenge, Mary fills in her contact information, and schedules a demo for that coming Friday.
As Mary gets ready to leave the event, she's talking with a few folks she met. They are sharing their favorite parts of the event, and asking each other which products they found.
Although Mary has a bag full of paper sales aids, and she visited dozens of booths, the only product that comes to mind is yours. She's shares her story of gaming triumph, and talks about how excited she is for her product demo because after hearing Susie's story, she knows it's going to help her company grow.
Her friends are intrigued and ask her if she can share Susie's story with them so they can check it out at the airport. Mary of course obliges. Since the digital story is hosted on a URL, she simply shares it with them like she would any other website, and texts them the link.
By providing Mary with personalized marketing examples in story form, she was able to put herself in Susie's shoes. That empathy became the foundation for everything that followed, and ultimately Mary signed up for a demo because she has the same problem as Susie. If your product helped Susie, it can help her too.
The Power of Personalized Marketing Examples
Brands that want to break through and build connections with consumers in a global cluttered marketplace, must find a way to build that emotional connection. By providing personalized marketing examples through digital stories, brands can stand out.
Winning the future of marketing starts with capturing, and holding, consumer attention. Personalized digital storytelling is the most effective form of content. The tools for connecting data with technology are out there.
Will you take advantage of them?
Learn more about the STORYSOFT digital storytelling platform, and how it can enable your brand to deliver personalized digital stories to the right person, at the right time, through the right channel.
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- Hear how it works
- See example digital Stories
- Walk through the analytics
- Get your questions answered